4. Policy

4. 'Policy Group'

Advocate for the right government function and policy. (Protection of Rights laws)

“Big Picture” Goals
·         Policy/message driven, defined and delivered by people with disabilities
·         Shift to lifespan view
·         Eliminate “silo” funding (based on age group or disability type)
·         Engage the opposition
Long-term Goals
·         Develop an Alberta Disabilities Act/Canadian Disabilities Act.
·         Create a Ministry dedicated only to Disabilities with a Minister of Disabilities who has Deputy Ministers who handle education and support services.
·         Establish lines of communication with the provincial government.

Action Plan

1.    Gather together cross-disability stakeholders for a meeting within 2 months.
·         People with disabilities
·         Families/parents/guardians/support
·         Disability-serving organizations (cross-disability)
·         Seniors?
·         Human Services Ministry (Brenda Lee Doyle)? 
2.    Identify and come to group consensus on key topics/concerns about government function/policy and protection of rights.
3.    Research existing legislation and data (e.g., Canadian Disabilities Act, Americans with Disabilities Act and its impact on people with disabilities).
4.    Define how we will measure progress or success. Identify strategies for gathering data that do not exist.
5.    Identify groups that may already be working on this. How can we join forces?
6.    Meet with identified government partners. Use the Social Policy Framework to start these talks.

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