Thursday, October 10, 2013

Welcome to 'Envisioning Our Future' Blog

On August 13, 2013 the Calgary community talked about supports for people with disabilities. Many people from all over the province came to talk about envisioning our future. 

We invite you to take a look at the working document and comment about what you think. (Link to PDF report)

What took place:

Individuals, families, disability service providers, representatives of the Alberta Human Services Ministry, and allies in other sectors (e.g., health, homelessness) participated. Although most participants were from the Calgary area, others came from Edmonton, Lethbridge and the North East region.

Participants focused on three questions:   
  1. Vision – What values are most important to us in our services, our supports and our community? What’s our dream for people with disabilities.  
  2. Process – How do we want to work together to create/plan for our services, our supports and our community? How do we want to make decisions and plans?  
  3.  Action – What do we need to do over the next year to address key areas of concern? 8 tables formed. We have organized notes from the 8 tables into tabs on the blog. By no means are these tables number by priority. The 8 tables were: 
  1. Decision Making
  2. Transitions
  3. Evaluate Needs 
  4. Policy 
  5. Supports 
  6. Choice 
  7. Engage Community 
  8. Communications 

-Then the Participants’ vision for the future and the process to make decisions and plans were documented and organized into themes. 
-Key issues flowing from these themes were identified for small group discussion and action plans in the afternoon. 
-Organized notes for all discussions are in the appendix in the working document.

We want to thank all the people who came and participated. 

Thank you to all the facilitators and to the people behind the scenes who spent many hours pulling all our ideas together. 

If you have any questions or would like to learn more about the day, please email us at

What are the next steps?

We have provided a working document for you to provide ideas, feedback and what might be missing. We invite you to comment right on the website or send us what you think in another format. 


The views of this site are the views of the individual contributors, and they do not necessarily reflect those of the Government of Alberta, the Ministry of Human Services, the Minister of Human Services and Community Service Organizations.   

Rules for comments: 

We hope to remove as little information as possible—this will help foster conversation while maintaining a productive and respectful forum.  Below are a few guidelines that will ensure everyone is able to participate fully in the engagement process.

  1. Keep It Relevant
All posts should be specific to the development of a social policy framework for Alberta.  We understand that social policy covers a broad range of issues, but for this conversation, social policy is defined as how Alberta and Albertans work together to meet individual needs, such as employment, child care, housing and general well-being. Spam or posts that are not relevant to social policy will be removed.

  1. Keep It Respectful
We will need many different perspectives offered as to how Alberta can improve social outcomes.  As such we request that:

  • Users do not engage in personal attacks.
  • Participants criticize ideas not people.
  • The discussion areas are designed to host conversations over relevant ideas and are used accordingly.
  • Studies and intellectual property are attributed to their originator to their originator in order to avoid infringement concerns.
  1. Keep It Safe
This is a public forum.  Users are asked to provide their real name when registering.  This information will be used to contact a user if required.  Your username does not have to be your real name, but you may not impersonate another person.  Users are reminded that it is an offense under the Child, Youth and Family Enhancement Act to disclose information that may reveal the identity of any child or youth involved with child intervention services.

  1. Keep It Clean
Any contributions that use offensive, hateful or racist language will be removed. Please represent yourself and your organization in an appropriate manner.  If you see any content that is offensive or irrelevant, please remove it or notify the moderators so that they can handle the issue.

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